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East Beach Urgent Care Norfolk VA - Urgent care doctor in Norfolk, VA located off Shore Drive, providing fast, no appointment needed urgent care. Accepts insurance. - [Listing Details] |
Glasauge Augenprothesen - Willkommen auf der Website von Siegfried Stempel. Ich möchte Ihnen nützliche Informationen über Augenprothesen anbieten, als Mitarbeiter der Firma Augenprothetik Lauscha GmbH hoffe ich Ihnen helfen zu können, wenn Sie Fragen zu Augenprothesen oder unserer Firma haben. Ich werde bemüht sein den Inhalt dieser Seiten ständig zu erweitern. Sollten Sie Fehler in den Seiten entdecken, wäre ich Ihnen für Hinweise dankbar, damit ich diese entfernen kann. Sehen Sie sich einfach unsere Seite an. Wenn Sie Anregungen oder Fragen haben oder einfach nur weitere Informationen wünschen und uns kontaktieren möchten, klicken Sie auf: Webmaster - [Listing Details] |
Private Ambulance London - HAA operates vehicles that are custom built to our own high and exacting standards by major North American ambulance constructors. Safety and comfort features within our private ambulance vehicles exceed the KKK Standard, recognised as the highest in the world by chief inspectors. All these have air-conditioning and full life-support equipment approved by chief inspectors and is constantly updated. These vital ground private ambulance vehicles are used to link aircraft and hospital, front line emergency work for NHS Ambulance Trusts and are widely used for longer journeys in the UK and into Continental Europe. - [Listing Details] |
4d baby scan Oxfordshire - Baby Moments is pleased to welcome all expectant parents, together with their families and friends for a special peek of your baby before he or she is born. We are located in Central Didcot within the Orchard Centre, with ample free parking (Sainsbury’s car park is 2 minutes’ walk from us) and easy access from the railway station or by bus. Our sonographers are fully qualified and have many years of experience in obstetric ultrasound. We pride ourselves on our warm and friendly clinic where we will always make time to discuss your pregnancy and answer any questions you might have. Please take time to look at our client reviews (link on home page). Baby Moments are fully Care Quality Commission (CQC) registered, and comply with all CQC requirements and guidelines relating to the care, safety, and suitability of our service. We follow the BMUS guidelines relating to safety, and always put our clients’ needs first in designing the service we provide. We use the most up to date technology and equipment to provide you with the best images and reports we can, and will always do our best to tailor your scan to your individual requirements. Baby Moments 3D 4D Ultrasound Scan Centre Oxfordshire Business Address: Unit 3 Orchard Centre Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7LL Business Hours: Monday Closed Tuesday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM Wednesday Closed Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday Closed Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Sunday Closed Phone: 08000075076 - [Listing Details] |
ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology training - Destinées principalement aux médecins spécialistes en gynéco-obstétrique, radiologie, génétique ou généralistes, nos sessions offrent une formation complète en échographie. Au sein du Centre de Radiologie Abou Madi a été créé Le Cercle d’échographie gynéco obstétricale (CEGO) dont l’objet est la promotion de la qualité de l’échographie gynéco-obstétricale et fœtale au Maroc. Pour cela : Le CEGO élabore des programmes de Développement Professionnel Continu (DPC). Il s’engage dans l’ensemble du dispositif de mise en place du DPC sur un plan national ; elle propose un DPC conforme aux dispositions réglementaires et légales qui le régissent ; la pluralité d’origine de ses membres : médecins de spécialités différentes, sages-femmes, praticiens de santé, autorise une programmation pluri-professionnelle tenant compte des recommandations. Il coordonne des travaux scientifiques, facilite les relations et les échanges entre ses Membres, organise des journées de travail. Il s’intéresse au contrôle de qualité concernant tant les appareils à ultrasons médicaux que la pratique des actes d’ultrasonologie et à tous les thèmes qu’elle estime utiles aux buts qu’elle poursuit. Il élabore des programmes de Formation Continue pour ses membres et pour les praticiens de santé. Ces formations peuvent être initiées par le CEGO ou s’inscrire dans le cadre réglementaire de la FMC régionale ou nationale. Il participe à la mise en place des référentiels et des programmes d’Evaluations des Pratiques Professionnelles. Il peut travailler avec d’autres institutionnels à l’amélioration de la sécurisation des pratiques et la gestion des risques. Il s’engage dans l’ensemble du dispositif d’accréditation des médecins, toutes spécialités confondues, conformément aux dispositions réglementaires et légales qui le régissent. Il peut également intervenir pour défendre les intérêts professionnels de ses Membres. CEGO - Cercle d'Echographie Gynéco-Obstétricale - est un organisme basé à Casablanca dont l'objet est la formation aux techniques de l'échographie au Maroc. 06 88 61 66 65 25, rue Ilya Abou Madi ex Buffon, Gauthier, Casablanca - [Listing Details] | - CATz Custom Topography-guided Lasik is a new form of Michigan Lasik eye surgery designed to produce “Supervision!” (superior to 20-20). CATz has also been proven to result in better night vision, a problem many people have with the results of conventional Lasik. Most candidates for Lasik in Michigan are satisfied with the results of traditional and all laser Lasik, but for people searching for vision even more focused than 20-20 vision, CATz custom Lasik is the most cutting-edge procedure currently available in the market with over 95% of patients resulting in 20-15 vision or better. - [Listing Details] |
Drug rehab Orange County - Exclusive Rehabilitation And Medical Detox Services Our accredited professionals are passionate about helping people recover from all types of addictions in our state-of-the-art, upscale facility with resort-style amenities and chef-inspired, healthy dining. Perched on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean, our campus provides and exclusive environment in one of the most beautiful locations in Orange County. It’s no secret that California weather is usually the envy of the rest of the country. While other states are covered in snow or drenched in rain, our weather is amazing year-round. Dana Point Rehab residents enjoy a wide variety of outdoor group activities. From hiking, biking and beach combing to many other fun, adventurous outings, our guests get outside, get their blood pumping, soak up the sun and find some space to simply breathe. Patient to staff ratios are kept low so that care can be personalized for people who come to us for help. We know that every person is different, with different life experiences and different needs. With us there are no one-size-fits-all approach. Treatment programs are specifically tailored to the needs of every individual, offering a continuum of care necessary for life-long recovery. We strive to be a place of peace, serenity and comfort while healing. - [Listing Details] |